The Espresso Bar

Beautiful Espresso X 4

Our matte black Synesso Hydra MVP paired with four Mahlkonig K30 grinders means we get to prepare and serve 4x different espressos at once.

The Cold Bar

Zero Proof Cocktails

Functional zero proof cocktails exploring the full spectrum of plant magic extractions. Mushrooms, teas, coffees, herbs, and vinegars.

The Kitchen

Plant Foreward Foods

A progressive plant forward, meat free menu to feed your soul. Delightful sourdough, creative quick breads and artisan cheeses. Oh my

The Wine

Curated Wines

Our Master Sommelier curates an ever changing selection of wild and rare wines sure to delight your senses and wow your pallete.

The Roastery

Beautiful Coffees

Our matte black Primo Ranger roaster installed in the roastery in back is where Nanelle and Emme ply their coffee roasting magic.

Our Love

Sweet Coffee Love

Super sweet coffee from some of the best coffee producers anywhere, who share in the equity of every coffee you buy.

Shop Coffees